Full Moon ritual kit


A pouch of supplies for cleansing, releasing, and manifesting during the Full Moon. Includes a herbal blend, a black candle, cleansing salt, a selenite crystal, parchment papers, and a moon charm.


Prepare for the full moon with this pouch of magical supplies. The full moon is a powerful time to cleanse your space, release what no longer serves you, and manifest your desires.

This kit contains everything you need to craft your own personalized full moon ritual. You will receive an herbal blend for releasing, a black candle for banishing, cleansing salt for purification, a selenite crystal for clarity, three parchment papers for writing your intentions, and a moon charm that may vary.

You can use the herbal blend in different ways: burn it as a smudge, dress the candle with it and your favorite oil, or add it and the salt to the pouch and enjoy a Full Moon bath.


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